"The single biggest fear that people have is not the fear of failure, but the fear of success." - Karthik Siva
(Photo Credit: YFS Magazine)
It is often implied that failure to plan or fear of failure are the main reasons why visions are not executed to the point of achieving their fullest potential, but that is not always the case. I've increasingly noticed visionaries with extraordinary visions refusing to execute because of the potential heights those visions can reach.
Fear of success is, a mon avis, even more damaging than fear of failure. While fear of failure may cripple some, it can serve as the motivation to succeed for others. Fear of success lacks the motivating potential of its counterpart - it literally entraps the visionary within a cycle of holding back and self-sabotage. Fearing your own potential and purposing to live a mediocre existence will never equate to genuine happiness and fulfillment; what it will result in is regret, self-resentment and, more often than not, a front row seat to watching your vision being executed to its fullest potential (perhaps not even because only you can do it like you) by someone else.
The only way to ward off the shoulda, woulda, couldas is to do, and to do to your fullest potential. If it is the attention or "more money, more problems" that has your running from success, purpose to use the things you're afraid of garnering for the betterment of others. By taking the focus off of self, success will no longer be a cause for fear, but for motivation to help contribute positively to society.
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