It’s one thing to get ready, it’s another thing to stay ready, but it’s a whole other thing to get ready to stay ready.
As we settle into a new year many of us will find ourselves making promises to ourselves to exceed the leaps and bounds we made in the previous year; to accomplish the things on our to-do lists that were left over from the year before; to be fitter, stronger, better, more productive, consistent, and dedicated. Setting goals and having deadlines for their completion are key in achieving them, but even that is not enough to raise your probability of success.
Before you charge into battle, ask yourself if you’re ready – and not just for the short-term or things you have planned, but also for the long-term and the unforeseen. For all intents and purposes, are you honestly ready not only to start, but to sustain? If your answer is ‘no’ or ‘I’m not sure,’ then here are a few things to consider…
All things require preparation, and staying ready is no different, so a bit of an assessment is necessary to determine the areas where you are prone to come up short. Once you’ve identified those areas, the next step is to delve deeper. Why did you come up short? What were the things you could have done differently to have achieved a more favourable result?
Having honestly answered those questions, you are now better positioned to get ready to stay ready. Whether it’s asking for help when you need it, having an accountability partner, adding a sustainable health-care regimen to your routine, or not taking on more than you can handle at one time, create a plan of action for yourself, with contingencies in the event of unforeseen obstacles, that will better enable you to go farther and accomplish the goals you have set for yourself.
So, take some time to get ready to stay ready, and go forward into the year well-equipped to accomplish your goals, and empowered to sustain the momentum to the ultimate achievement of your dreams.
#RevoLucian #RevoLucianLLC #WisdomWednesdayOnAThurday #GetReadyToSTayReady #Preparedness #Dreams #Achievements #Goals #MakeAPlan #StrategicPlanning #HonestAssessments #RL #Sustainability #SustainableMomentum #BusinessInsight #ManagementConsulting #BusinessRulesApplicableToLife #ItsBeenALongTime #IShouldnaLeftYou #WithoutADopeBeatToStepTo #Timbaland #Aaliyah #IfAtFirstYouDontSucceed #DustYourselfOffAndTryAgain #WWOAT