Most great visions cannot be accomplished alone. You may have to start the journey alone, but seldom will you be able to carry out the mission without accomplices.
If you are starting out and you feel this does not apply with you, have at it, but be prepared for a long and (often) lonely journey. By going it alone you may get all the glory, but you also may not get as far as you could have with a team of like-minded persons trodding alongside you.
On the other hand if you're on the road already and long for help but feel it's nowhere to be found, take heart. It's just not time yet. They're coming. Keep on keeping on - they will meet you along the way at the perfect point in your journey. Never too early, never too late.
Whether a team member or someone on the "outside" who gives you the "chance" of a lifetime, you need others to help you accomplish your dreams, because one hand can't clap.