As a visionary, opportunities will come your way - that's a given. Deals will present themselves and expansion will move from something once only imaginable to something tangible, but with each opportunity comes a cost.
You may have to sacrifice one opportunity for the next, or time spent here in order to spend it there, or, worse yet, you may have to sacrifice your morals or integrity. So how do you go about deciding which opportunities are worth the trade-off?
Read the fine print. Every deal, opportunity, and/or favour is only as good as the why behind the what. So when presented with an opportunity, diligently seek what the benefits are on both sides to make sure it is mutually beneficial. More importantly make sure the persons involved are persons with which your values can align. Even the most lucrative opportunity can turn sour when values and objectives are misaligned.
#RevoLucian #RevoLucianLLC #WisdomWednesdayOnAThursday #WWOAT #ExceptItsSaturday #ReadTheFinePrint #Alignment #Opportunities #OpportunityCost #TimeCost #LetsMakeADeal #entrepreneurs #inspiration #smallbusiness #corporate #motivation